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Good news
- Raniero Cantalamessa
he Baptism in the Spirit's effectiveness in reactivating baptism consists in this: finally man contributes his part -- namely, he makes a choice of faith, prepared in repentance, that allows the that allows the work of God to set itself free and to emanate all its strength. It is as if the plug is pulled and the light is switched on. The gift of God is finally "untied" and the Spirit is allowed to flow like a ftragrance in the Christian life.
- Peter Hocken
During the night between Friday and Saturday, in the early morning hours of 10 June 2017, the Lord called back to Him a great man, Father Peter Hocken. He died at the age of almost 85. He was a servant of God, a friend, a priest who loyally served the Body of Christ until his last breath, all the world round. The Lord gave him an extraordinary intellect and wisdom, together with the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit. He also received from God the talent and ability to provide specific and comprehensible theological explanations and descriptions of spiritual experiences that are taking place within the Church, notably after the Second Vatican Council.
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"I have a dream," he began, "that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. "I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
- Peter Dufka SJ
We all know, based on our personal experience, that the cooperation with most intelligent people is not often easy. These people usually do not establish friendship easily. It is interesting also that university graduates with an honour degree usually do not fit in to the working environment in the best way and that their high intellect is of a little help in overcoming personal or marriage crises.
- Marek Nikolov
The aim of the “Jesus Heals” prayer gatherings is experiencing the fact that God is Love. He is Love that wants to give itself to other people. God wants to show us His mercy even through healing, signs, wonders, and miracles.
Prorocká výzva Geoffa Poultera pre Slovensko, ktorá sa začína napĺňať.
Zaujímavá a výpovedná skúsenosť západoeurópskeho muža s hinduizmom, budhizmom, jógou, ezoterikou a okultizmom.
Príbeh bývalého teroristu, ktorý dnes spája etniká a kmene.
Stephen Lungu
Hudobníčka Lacey Sturm, bývalá speváčka kapely Flyleaf, bola presvedčenou ateistkou a mala v úmysle vziať si život... ale zrazu sa všetko zmenilo.
We all are part of a great story. The great story of the world is composed of past and present stories of lives of individual people. The portal is focused on the most important moment of the story of the world and individual, the moment of personal experience of person with God.
Story - Mária Pauchly
Cancer, passion and God
My story
In October I started to post my blogs on Blog Sme ( about my life affected by cancer. I thought after 3 articles I would be done. It is April now and I still continue writing not only about cancer but particularly/mostly about trust in God – because the story is NEVER ENDING.
They diagnosed it two years ago when I was 44 years old. My two girls were 4 and 7. The Blog articles were to warn women against cancer. As the breast cancer and its most radical way of treatment hit me not only as a person, a mother, a daughter, but as well as a woman and wife, I was not able to publish under my own name. Thus Alica Biela was born.
Most of everything the cancer touched my faith in God. How? My father died earlier than I was able to have/create a mutual relationship with him and even to remember him. So it was our mother who had brought us up – me, my younger sister and two older brothers. Mom focused on modesty, big discipline and also uncompromising and simple trust in God. We prayed and went to church moreover because we had to. At least I felt it like this. But I am not complaining about it. It had a meaning in my life.
There wasn’t a church in our town (Nová Dubnica, SK). We had to travel to Dubnica n/Váhom. Sometimes it was uncomfortable, on the other hand, it gave us chance to spend some time with other children and build friendships. Thus the journey to the church wasn’t just its´ quick visit isolated from ordinary life.
Another blessing were Salesian priests in Dubnica n./V. Thanks to Fr. Jozef Čakánek the two parish houses were always open for children and the youth. We called it “down” and there was the place where our simple faith from home could grow and develop under the leadership of the priests and catechists. There was always time for the things that were young people more interested in: singing, sports, trips.
Mom let us go everywhere. Even with friends who didn’t do to church – her only condition was on Sundays and feasts go to church. Otherwise she fully trusted us. When I imagine, how many times I had opportunity to do something wrong, I am surprised! In these moments I imagined her and said: “Mom wouldn’t like it.” It wasn’t fear, as mom couldn’t see me, but kind of respect, the will not to cause her pain and not disappoint her. Mom became a picture or God´s deputy.
It lasted for many years, when I went to Bratislava (the capital) to study and later to work there. The fundamentals of faith & life in faith were rather solid to nourish them willingly in prayers, Bible, church and also in illegal Christian groups during socialist period. Again – it brought me new knowledge, many friends and beautiful moments.
Except of that away from my mother´s protective hand it began to grow also inner trust in myself. It seems to me, that if a person wants – one can manage everything.
When I moved to Canada, got married and had children – some “black hole” appeared in my life. There was less time for GodThere came the first health problem and it broke mine and my husband´s faith. Not in the Existing one, but in the Loving one.
Health and faith came back thanks to mother´s prayers, whole family and friends from Slovakia (as here we actually didn’t have any). We hadn’t stopped to visit church, but I really didn’t feel like praying at that time. But the prayers and faith of others is very strong!
The kids were small and we missed the help of family here, in Canada. There are no evening masses on ordinary days (as in SK) – so we visited church on Sundays only. The time between my confessions got prolonged for many months. I nourished my heart by the Eucharist rarely only – few weeks after I managed to go to confession (although here it seems normal to go for communion even without confession). I felt something is not ok. The older daughter went finally to school and the younger baby was very calm – I joined women Bible study group. So I returned slowly back to Bible readings and other customs.
A half year later the whole process speeded up the cancer. Not only speeded, but strongly shook my fundamentals of faith. The fact that God exists and loves me remained as a constant. The Question was “why I have to suffer? Is it a punishment for my life? Is it because God extremely loves me? What is it good for? Is this suffering from God or from devil? Why doesn’t God do a miracle for me as he does for many others?”
Suddenly I cannot rely on any persons, on any of my friends, on any of the doctors even myself. Sometimes I feel like nobody cares of me, nobody misses me…I feel only God remains. Not God from my childhood and from the childhood of my faith. I realised that I miss God as my Father, whom I can fully consign myself to. I miss God who sacrificed his only Son on the cross because of me. Because of me!
I try to understand by my human endeavour and to accept my cross. I keep hoping and believe into a miracle of healing. I admit that God´s point of view can be different.
People are telling me that it is peace what they feel from me. I can see many struggles behind that peace. People are telling me that I am strong and will win the fight. But is it my own strength? After Gloria, my friend, told me one thing two weeks ago, also this thesis seems to be vague. Actually she said the same thing: ”Mary you are very strong.” But her tune was different that of the others and that changes also the meaning of these words: “You are stopping God by your strength, your faith in your self – the God that is with you.”
By this sentence Gloria have moved me to a bit different level, where there is space for God´s mercy. In a place, where a person stops asking: ”Why? “, starts receiving also things that s/he is not worthy for, something that I cannot do by my self.
Some where here I am waiting NOW, when God stretches his hand towards me. Or I just cannot see it? .
I melted my life into “change” on the Blog sme:
If you are interested to know more about the issue of faith, go trough the following articles (in Slovak only):
Chýbaš mi, otec
Srdce matky
Utrpenie a Pokoj
Mea culpa. Tŕne v srdci.
Lurdský dážď
Od Manifestu ku Magnifikatu
Vianočný plač
Nie si moja priateľka
Sýkorka na dlani
Smrť bez nádeje
Prosba o modlitbu
Jediná istota
Plachta (2)
Svetlo je viditeľné
Krížový most

- Rhett Vorster
Personal experience with Christ - Paul Holliday
Seeking answers to the afterlife - Harriet Coombe
Something better than healing - Denis Chane Sing Guan
Hearts home - Milan Tószegi
I did not see it yet, but I believed in His Word.
- Maruška Kožlejová
My Brazilian fireworks - Janka Pisarovičová
The Little Way 2 - James Manjackal
- Ján Čarnogurský
- Frank Stephenson
Total: 162 stories in this language.
There are 516 in all languages. To change the language please click on one of the flags.
- Geoff a Gina Poulter
Geoff and Gina Poulter are active in healing ministry in Great Britain and in other European countries. They have zeal for building Lords kingdom. In Slovakia are already known mainly throwgh Jesus heals ministry where they were main speakers. They believe, that Lord comes with power, when we call him by His name and walk in faith. They are full of gentleness and kind behavior to people, which they serve with prayer for healing and prophetic giftings. Their ministry folows healings, sings and wonders.
- Petr Jašek
As we know, faith is not a question of heritage. People must get their personal relation with the Lord Jesus Christ. This cannot be inherited. You have to be reborn in Jesus. In my life something similar happened.
- Ján Volko
I think Jesus plays a very important role. Faith in God helps me in difficult moments and also during competitions. I feel that God gives me His graces and blessing – and this is a huge support for me.