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Good news
- Raniero Cantalamessa
he Baptism in the Spirit's effectiveness in reactivating baptism consists in this: finally man contributes his part -- namely, he makes a choice of faith, prepared in repentance, that allows the that allows the work of God to set itself free and to emanate all its strength. It is as if the plug is pulled and the light is switched on. The gift of God is finally "untied" and the Spirit is allowed to flow like a ftragrance in the Christian life. - Peter Hocken
During the night between Friday and Saturday, in the early morning hours of 10 June 2017, the Lord called back to Him a great man, Father Peter Hocken. He died at the age of almost 85. He was a servant of God, a friend, a priest who loyally served the Body of Christ until his last breath, all the world round. The Lord gave him an extraordinary intellect and wisdom, together with the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit. He also received from God the talent and ability to provide specific and comprehensible theological explanations and descriptions of spiritual experiences that are taking place within the Church, notably after the Second Vatican Council. - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"I have a dream," he began, "that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. "I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." - Peter Dufka SJ
We all know, based on our personal experience, that the cooperation with most intelligent people is not often easy. These people usually do not establish friendship easily. It is interesting also that university graduates with an honour degree usually do not fit in to the working environment in the best way and that their high intellect is of a little help in overcoming personal or marriage crises. - Marek Nikolov
The aim of the “Jesus Heals” prayer gatherings is experiencing the fact that God is Love. He is Love that wants to give itself to other people. God wants to show us His mercy even through healing, signs, wonders, and miracles.
Prorocká výzva Geoffa Poultera pre Slovensko, ktorá sa začína napĺňať.
Zaujímavá a výpovedná skúsenosť západoeurópskeho muža s hinduizmom, budhizmom, jógou, ezoterikou a okultizmom.
Príbeh bývalého teroristu, ktorý dnes spája etniká a kmene.
Stephen Lungu
Hudobníčka Lacey Sturm, bývalá speváčka kapely Flyleaf, bola presvedčenou ateistkou a mala v úmysle vziať si život... ale zrazu sa všetko zmenilo.
We all are part of a great story. The great story of the world is composed of past and present stories of lives of individual people. The portal is focused on the most important moment of the story of the world and individual, the moment of personal experience of person with God.
Story - Rémy Bale
I lived for drugs
I knew a bitter smell of a mixture on a spoon which warms up above a lighter and in that moment, when the blend mixed with my own blood in a syringe before it gets to veins.
In those moments you think about the only one thing: to feel how a cotton and wonderful warmth is spreading through a body, which “can manage” to satisfy pains caused by life. You think that you own a drug but in reality it owns… You are its slave, its target…
A process of my being falling down was already started; as a big whirl, revelling and different sins, failures at school, revolt and hatred pulled me down, heading to death, to an eternal hell. Who could help to my sad youth? You? I would rob you, I would mislead you: haven’t I done it to my own parents?
My future looked written off already…thefts, drug smuggling, prostitution, lies, illegal deals, diseases, maybe suicide, fatal overdose, until I would die in a crappy flat full of people.
To work? It wasn’t possible, I was simply battered down. Despite this days went on. In June 1985 I found myself in an army, the first of all in Fréjuse, 24. RIMA and after a training as far as Perpignane.
My first miracle happened here: I heard a Gospel and for the first time the Holy Spirit opened my eyes about my future fate and Jesus, my Savior.
After a longer talk with one Christian I made a step which he proposed to me for my personal meeting with God! Simply to invite Jesus to become my Savior and Lord, to ask Him to forgive all my sins and to fill my life.
I was set free from a slavery of drugs and from badness which was hiding in my heart. In Jesus I found the right reason for which I decided to love life; I understood that a new social life, work resulted from my faith. Then I met the woman whom God chose for me and with whom I had three the most beautiful children in the world.
Some could think that one day I would end up at drugs again… But the Bible says: „“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” “ (John 3: 16)
Devil lost his fight with me, he lost a war! Jesus won for me and the Bible further says: „“But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” em>“ (Romans 8:37) The message is clear! Instead of death by a power of a sin I walk to a victory by a power of His love, which fills me with full safety every day. „“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith”. (1 John 5:4)“ (1 John 5:4) Jesus is alive, He was really resurrected! I have met Him and refreshing breeze of His Holy Spirit has changed everything in my heart.
He loves YOU and he calls YOU too.
Jesus said: „"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues… they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." em>“ (Mark 16) And he also said:„ "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (John 14:12-13)“ (Ján 14, 12-13)
Yes, I believe in miracles because I believe in Jesus who was born by a miracle from a virgin; I believe because He is alive! He has overcome death! Amen!
One day I prayed for a baby and it was covered by golden grains. I saw this sign several times.
Many times when the Gospel was proclaimed in France and in other countries I saw a power of the Holy Spirit, which confirmed a message of the God’s Word by casting out demons and other healings. We can find these facts in the Scriptures, which are actual and authentic also today! The Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus is the one who will save, rescue and heal. You need this reality in your life, you need it TODAY! I have written this testimony and I have offered it to you according to my will. I have done it for my love to Jesus, for love which is there also for you.
„“What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.” .“ (1 John 1:3-4)
If you need a miracle, a transcendent intervention of the Lord to experience a victory over a sin, over the one who will destroy your life and a life of your fellowmen, then don’t forget that: „“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” “ (Romans 10:9)
„“For whoever will call on the name of the Lord, will be saved.”“ (Romans 10:13) Call on the Lord, because „“A poor soul called and the Lord heard him.“. Yes, there are better ways than a suicide or occultism; yes, there is God who loves you. I believe that you have just read these my few lines because God looks for you and calls you to serve Him. br> Name of Jesus. Amen.
- Rhett Vorster
Personal experience with Christ - Paul Holliday
Seeking answers to the afterlife - Harriet Coombe
Something better than healing - Denis Chane Sing Guan
Hearts home - Milan Tószegi
I did not see it yet, but I believed in His Word.
- Joseph Fadelle
Muslim from fame family - Branislav Škripek
- Frank Stephenson
- Reza Hadž Qolami Sičani.
From Islam to Christ despite death penalty threat - Oto Mádr
A word about this epoch
Total: 162 stories in this language.
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- Geoff a Gina Poulter
Geoff and Gina Poulter are active in healing ministry in Great Britain and in other European countries. They have zeal for building Lords kingdom. In Slovakia are already known mainly throwgh Jesus heals ministry where they were main speakers. They believe, that Lord comes with power, when we call him by His name and walk in faith. They are full of gentleness and kind behavior to people, which they serve with prayer for healing and prophetic giftings. Their ministry folows healings, sings and wonders. - Petr Jašek
As we know, faith is not a question of heritage. People must get their personal relation with the Lord Jesus Christ. This cannot be inherited. You have to be reborn in Jesus. In my life something similar happened. - Ján Volko
I think Jesus plays a very important role. Faith in God helps me in difficult moments and also during competitions. I feel that God gives me His graces and blessing – and this is a huge support for me.